Food Combining for
Healthy Weight Loss

One of the benefits of food combining is healthy weight loss, but there are many others.

For instance you can prevent stomach bloating, achieve improved energy levels, better elimination, increased metabolism and better nutrient absorption.

The improper combining of meals can be catastrophic.

Certain combinations allows the food to ferment in your stomach which can cause unnecessary weight gain, bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, loss of energy, heart burn,constipation and many other problems.

Some health practitioners believe that all disease stems from the stomach.

But the bottom line is if you want to stop adding extra calories on and start burning them away, we can’t just put anything we like into our mouths anytime we feel like it. That is why food combining for healthy weight loss works.

It is important to understand that different foods require different digestive juices to break them down and if the wrong ones are eaten together they will fight each other for digestion.

So instead of being digested completely, providing the necessary nutrients to your cells, some of the foods can increase fermentation and the onset of toxins in your intestinal tract.

This not only hinders liver function but it can also cause indigestion, weight gain, and the possibility of countless other problems.

The following food combining chart is a handy and quick reference that can be helpful when preparing meals and snacks.

Eating Starches and Proteins Together

When we separate starches and proteins this allows our digestive system to speed things up and make things more efficient. It is a great way to increase your metabolism. They simply should not be eaten together.

Protein requires hydrochloric acid and pepsin from the stomach and starchy foods require alkaline juices from the mouth. These cannot work at the same time. They cause the digestive juices to neutralize which increases digestive time.

There are health experts who study how different combinations of foods can affect our well being. Countless hours can be spent on this subject.

Now if once in a while you really want to eat your favorite meal of meat and potatoes, go for it. We all need to treat or reward ourselves once in a while.

The More Common Known Proteins Are:

Dairy Products
Nuts and Seeds

The More Common Known Starches Are:

Legumes (lentil, starchy beans, blacked eye peas)

Fruits are the most perfect food:

Fruit is one of the best foods to consume and are filled with healthy sugars.  They take the least amount of time and energy to digest and it gives you back the most in return.

Fruit should always be eaten alone or 20 minutes before any other food. The reason for this is that it digests very quickly on its own. If we mix it with other foods, the fruit will get digested slower.

Eat Sweets Separately:

Sweets should not be eaten after protein. Not only are sweets filled with sugar and unwanted calories but we know that mixing sweets with protein, lengthens the digestive process, slowing down our metabolism, perhaps causing gas and leaving us with that bloated feeling.

This slow digestion also makes our digestive track a safe haven for food to ferment and putrefy and hinders the weight loss process.

So if you really are a sweet tooth, and want to treat yourself once in a while, make that piece of cake your lunch or dinner.

The Basic Rules for Food Combining:

1. Eat proteins only with vegetables

2. Eat starches only with vegetables or other starches

3. Eat fruits alone

4. Sweets should not be eaten after protein

Doctors and scientists have studied food combining for centuries. More and more people are realizing the benefits of proper meal planning for three main reasons; healthy weight loss, disease prevention or curing existing symptoms that ail them.

If you take care of your stomach your stomach will take care of you.

Other Useful Links:

Food Combining Diet Review

Liver Loving Foods

Healthy Food List

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