The Cabbage Soup Diet Review

This Cabbage Soup Diet is extremely popular because it offers a weight loss of five to ten pounds in only 7 days if you stick with the program.

It is recommended that dieters consult their doctor or health care professional before starting any weight loss program.  

Please take extra care if you are battling with any additional heatlh issues such as diabetes or obesity as your physician may not recommend this program due to the low calorie intake. 

Here is the outline of the Cabbage Soup Diet

Day 1
Cabbage soup

As much fruit as you want (except bananas)

Beverages you can have all week include unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice or water

Day 2
Cabbage soup

As much vegetables as you like either fresh, cooked, steamed or juiced, but avoid dry beans, peas and corn

For dinner, enjoy a baked potato with butter

Day 3
Cabbage soup

As much fruit as you like (except bananas)

As much vegetables as you like either fresh, cooked or steamed, but avoid dry beans, peas, potatoes and corn

Day 4
Cabbage soup

Eat as many as 8 bananas

Drink as many glasses of skim milk as you like

Day 5
Cabbage soup

10 – 20 ounces of broiled, grilled or baked meat or fish

Up to 6 fresh tomatoes

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water

Day 6
Cabbage soup

As much beef as you like

As much vegetables as you like (no potato today)

Day 7
Cabbage soup

As much brown rice as you like

As much vegetables as you like

Drink unsweetened fruit juices

Tips for the Cabbage Soup Diet:

There are no restrictions on the amount of cabbage soup you wish to eat. If you like soup, you're in luck.

If you are planning on trying the cabbage soup diet here is a diet cabbage soup recipe you can use.

How Does It Work?

It’s is no wonder that you can lose 5 – 10 pounds on this diet so quickly because as you can see that the calorie intake is extremely low for those 7 days.  


When followed as directed has proved successful for many people.

No counting calories or carbohydrates

Avoid hunger by eating as much cabbage soup as you like every day for the whole week.

It is easy to follow and inexpensive. It is a nice break from eating fatty foods or junk foods and cabbage is healthy.

Some people like this diet if they have an upcoming event or holiday to jump start their weight loss.


It is extremely low in calories and should not be followed for long periods of time.

Though cabbage is an extremely healthy food this diet is not nutritionally balanced. We need more than cabbage soup to maintain a well balanced and healthy diet.

The diet is boring and bland due to the repetition of eating the same type of soup daily.

Many people gain the weight back quickly unless you immediately start a healthy way of eating or another weight loss program after completion.

For this diet to work at its best it must be followed in detail for those 7 days. If you do stray away from the plan you must start over.


As with any weight loss program, if you experience any kind of negative side effects stop the program immediately.


Many people have been lead to believe that cabbage helps you lose weight.

Cabbage is a healthy food choice but it has no magical fat burning powers. The simple reason why this plan is so effective is because the calorie intake is extremely low.

If you would like to give it a try and shed some pounds quickly perhaps taking a multi vitamin during those 7 days may be beneficial.

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