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HWLH News Letter for November 2019 - Issue #0072 - All About Candida Albicans
November 01, 2019
Welcome to HWLH News Letter

November 2019 - Issue # 072 - All About Candida Albicans

Happy November Everyone, so glad you’re back.

Many people write in and ask us “how do you know if you have candida albicans and if so, how can I get rid of it?” and we find this to be a perfectly reasonable question.

What is Candida Albicans?

It’s actually a fungus, a type of yeast that lives in small amounts in the gastrointestinal tract, on the mucous membranes and our skin.

At normal levels this fungus is harmless and works well with other good bacteria.

But if the yeast grows out of control becoming overpopulated, then it can cause some unwanted symptoms.

What Causes Candida Albicans Overgrowth?

Poor Diet

What we eat (or don’t eat) has become one of the main reasons that there seems to be a candida epidemic.

Diets that are high in sugar, processed foods, refined carbohydrates and alcoholic make it easy for the yeast to grow and thrive.


Antibiotics are the worst medication because they tend to destroy some of the good bacteria living in our digestive tract, making it easier for the candida yeast to multiply.

But sometimes we need these medications, so eating healthy and taking probiotics helps combat this problem.

High Alcohol Intake

Alcohol ferments and has high levels of sugar in it, making it a feasting ground for the candida yeast.

High Stress Levels

High stress levels can wear down the body and weaken the immune system.

A weakened Immune System

For many people who have illness which leaves them with a weaker immune system, for the very young, whose system is not developed yet, or the very old, a compromised immune system doesn’t help fight the overgrowth of candida.

What are the Symptoms of Candida Albicans Overgrowth?

When there is an overgrowth of Candida in the body it breaks down the wall of the intestine causing leaky gut and also releases toxins into the body.

This hinders digestion and diminishes the body’s ability to absorb needed nutrients from the foods we eat.

Here is a list of symptoms that an overgrowth of Canadida Albicans may cause:

Brain fog

Mood Swings

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Digestive issues (could be diarrhea, constipation, gas, cramps, bloating)


Vaginal Yeast Infections

Oral thrush


Joint Pain

Sinus Infections

Skin problems (eczema, hives and rashes)

Skin and nail fungal infections (athlete’s foot, angular chilitis and green fungas on toe nails)

Constantly having sugar cravings (sugar is the yeasts food and they want more)

How Can You Test for Candida Albicans Overgrowth?

This might not be the answer you are looking for, but here is the truth of the matter.

Some medical professionals feel candida albicans is a fake illness or not a real condition.

There is a huge division between health care professionals on the Candida problem.

Many osteopaths, naturopaths and homeopaths believe candida is a big problem, but many medical doctors do not believe that candida is the cause for so many illnesses.

Sure there are some definite problems that are directly related to candida albicans.

But unless you have a very common type of fungus problem such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infection or fungus growing on your toe nail that can be easily detected by your doctor, most MD’s are just not convinced that an abundance of yeast can do major harm.

There are some tests that doctors will do when testing for candida which may involve stool samples, blood work or other tests depending on the problem.

If you feel you have an overgrowth of yeast in your body that is causing you problems but you can’t seem to get a solid diagnosis, regardless, candida overgrowth can be eliminated.

I know these changes sound so simple, but these simple changes really work.

Start eating healthier

Eliminate most sugar

Avoid refined carbs and processed foods

Avoid Alcohol consumption

Add probiotics to your diet to replenish good gut bacteria


Most of the time if we eat healthy and don’t abuse our bodies, have an occasional treat in moderation, the body tends to do well.

Your Opinion Counts:

If you have an opinion or would like to share a story with us we would love to hear from you.

Use our Contact Us page - or our Weight Loss News page (Your Story Counts).

Wishing you health and happiness
Until next time
Catherine :)

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